Ben suggested the title - I couldn't choose which photos to show! Today has been a busy day. Up at 5.30am for devotions (this is a daily routine - argh!) then breakfast and off to work.
Firstly, we delivered the school shoes and socks which we brought over with us - 130 pairs of cute little black shoes :)
Then I went to the medical clinic and helped the doctor with some patient record filing. Wilika is from Holland and is here for 2 months. She has organised the clinic and written up patient files for all the children and has done a wonderful job of sorting through the medical supplies so there is some order in the clinic.
Ben went off to document the team's movements before joining the building team. They're digging trenches for the sewage pipes at the new medical clinic building.
After lunch we went off to the school and taught some basic first aid to the teachers - I was the patient and had fun having my arms and legs bandaged!
When we came back from the school we spent some time playing with the kids - they are all so beautiful and friendly. We let a few take some photos with Ben's camera - here is the one we took of Ben.
We've got a worship meeting tonight (they are on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays), so we're looking forward to that, and then an early-ish night before it all starts again!
What a visual feast!
All the little black shoes ... so many of them!!! They look like miniature shoes :)
I'm expecting Ben to develop some serious cannons! Man, all that digging ...
Wait til you see my cannons...i've been up there digging away too the last couple of days and my arms are very sore!!!
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