Friday, July 17, 2009

Working hard

The last three days have been a lot of fun. We've been up bright and early (5am) and after devotions and breakfast I've headed off to the building site with Ben and the other workers. We've been digging trenches for the plumbing and also jack-hammering holes through the concrete walls for the pipes to go through. It's hard work on the best of days, so with the heat and humidity, it's even tougher.
After what seemed like ages on Wednesday, I was so shocked to find out it was only ten past nine in the morning - that's one of the 'joys' of getting up so early! We've been having our smoko at 9.30am, which consists of coffee and biscuits (when we're lucky) and then it's back to work until lunch, which is at 12pm.

I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but the food here is fantastic - it's like eating Thai take-away every day! I'm going to help out in the kitchens soon and am hoping to learn a lot about how they cook so I can do it when I get home. Ben likes this idea alot.
After lunch, the guys go back to the building site but I've been cleaning up and having a bit of a break before heading out in the afternoons to help with the kid's program some of our team are running. The kids have been having such a good time playing games, singing, doing craft and making paper hats. They are all so adorable and we are learning a few key words in Bahasa so we can encourage them.

After dinner on Thursday we played 'jacks' or 'knuckles' with a group of kids - they are all really good at it...and we're not! A lot of the kids carry around 5 small rocks and they play the game whenever they have a little time to spare.

We're loving it here and are excited that our adventure has only just begun - it's challenging and very rewarding!

1 comment:

Irene said...

Aww ... look at ya plowing away, Mrs Adams!!!:D