Sunday, July 26, 2009

Grace Gradens

Still Ben blogging. We have had a team of Malaysians staying here for a week, they have been teaching Chinese to the children here. They have also been working hard down in the 'Grace Gardens', this is where they grow a lot of vegetables and bannana's. The Malaysians have been digging a whole heap of new garden beds and planting vegetables, some of which have already sprouted - which they were quite proud of!
This is David, he was great to have a chat to, he helped me translate our design work into Chinese for us. They all left here on Saturday morning. Currently we English speaking visitors are being outnumbered by the dutch - they are everywhere!


Anonymous said...

hello - good to see things are going well. We heard you were sick and we will be sure to pray for you both. Love the photos! Love Geoff and Manda

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben and Sarah :-) Looks as though you guys are having a super time! Our thoughts and prayers are with you both... on your excellent adventure... you have some great pics, Sarah your looking great with the new bencut! I'm sure you have a stack of pics... mate can you get some of Mark and Kerri for us onsite. Take care the both of you! Blessings, Rick

Sarah said...

Thanks guys. Hey Rick thats pretty funny cause we just got back from taking photos of Mark at his workshop when you posted your comment. We have already organised to take photos of them as a couple next week. Cheers, Ben