Tuesday saw us in Nairobi city once again, this time visiting Kibera slum - which we were told is the largest slum in the world. It looked much the same as Mathare valley, except it seemed to go on forever in every direction. When we arrived at the project and went through the gates, it was like stepping into another world. The project was on a large block of land with school buildings, a church, a garden, offices and a playground. Kids were running around smiling and there was no rubbish in sight.
Ben and I had a ball playing with the kids and taking their photos while the interviews went on in the office. We got to meet one of the little girls who is an orphan and lives in a cottage on the project grounds, along with six other children. These cottages are called HVC cottages (highly vulnerable children) cottages, and Compassion has a few in Africa, to help look after children who have lost both parents or were in abusive situations etc. They live with other children in the home and are cared for by a house mother.
We were really hoping to walk around and take some photos of the slum but it was not to be. We weren't allowed outside the project gates at all, for safety reasons. and even photos out of the car windows were a no-no.
Stay tuned for the next post...it has lions in it!
Beautiful photos and amazing work you are doing! Thanks so much for sharing. Enjoy your travels.
Amazing colours and beautiful people.
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